To present the quality of services in international quality staments, connected with ethical values, to a wide range of society in economical conditions, with our specialist professional staff in our hospital, with the latest technological device and infrastructure
24 hours a day without paying a medical consultation and consultation, information is available “Free Consultant Physician” service has put into service. With two fully equipped ambulances, emergency health problems were always on the side of the patient, while mobile health teams and health centers in collective places and preventive health services were realized.
During the 1999 earthquake episodes, Avcılar, the most affected district of Istanbul, carried out free health care and drug distribution activities with our ambulances and mobile health team. Avcılar Hospital, which is specialized in its fields with its experienced staff and high technology medical equipments, has become a crime not only of the people of the region but also of the people of Istanbul.
In order to respond to the increasing quality expectation in health services, the main medical branches served are hemodialysis, acupuncture, chest diseases, pediatric surgery, gastroenterology departments. When our hospital is unable to respond to increasing patient needs due to lack of physical space, from the 6th month of 2006, additional building constructions and renovation of the existing main building started. Our indoor area is 6,000 m2 to 11,000 m2; 67 patients were raised to 136 censuses. While the physics size, as well as the number of physicians, is increasing the variety of branches, technological investments are running at the fastest rate. At the PROBLEM SOLUTION CENTER, the Consulting Nurse and Public Relations unit has become a center where all kinds of medical and administrative problems are solved.